Aesthetics and Art

Art is a wide range of human activities including visual art, literature, music, spectacle, and creative invention to express artistic capability, beauty, emotion, or creative ideas. It includes in the category of architecture, choreography, painting, and sculpture. There has been considerable progress in all these fields of art in different periods. Paintings and photographic expressions of emotions and feelings have occupied important places in history. In present times, computerized art is developing fast and it has become a part of our life.


Artistic skill comprises the ability to produce a visual representation of an abstract idea or to create an original work of art. Some artists are known for their decorative art, while others excel in photographic expression of art. However, the most common feature that distinguishes an excellent artist from a poor one is the quality of his aesthetic perception. An excellent artist is capable of expressing his emotion in his work, while poor artists express their ideas haphazardly. However, some of the most prominent philosophers, such as Immanuel Kant, Albert Camus, Bertolt Brecht, Hans Christian Andersen, Emily Dickinson, and Rumi have had major influence on the formation of aesthetics.

Aesthetic appraisal is the process of comparing different works of art with respect to the standards of Beauty established by ancient and contemporary cultures. Beauty, in the broadest sense, is defined as the standard of the proportion and the symmetries of a figure. The object of beauty may be a whole creation or a selection of particular aspects of a work of art. The term beauty can include a wide variety of concepts, but the central concept of aesthetic art is the acceptance of the dignity of the human body in relation to the acceptance of the dignity of the mind and spirit.