The Importance Of Books In Our Life Span

Books are written texts written on topics of different subjects that enlighten and entertain its readers. Basically, a book is a manuscript of text arranged into a bound publication, usually written with many pages covered together and enclosed by an illustrated cover. The technical term for such physical arrangement is codex. The most commonly used term, however, is the book itself, a written object designed to hold printed texts and to be opened only upon request.


The importance of books in our life span cannot be denied in today’s modern world, where computerization has greatly affected the way business is done and the way people communicate and move around the globe. For generations, human beings have used books as a medium of transmitting written information from one person to another. Even before the advent of computers, people throughout the world have been using books as a means of sharing knowledge, educating themselves, and keeping up to date with the latest news, views and happenings all over the world.

Because books help us to store data, they are important to any society. With the increase of computerization and Internet usage, however, the importance of books as a source of knowledge and information has decreased somewhat. This is why books are no longer used as a primary source of knowledge; rather, people look for answers to questions through other sources of information such as the Internet. Books, therefore, should not be looked at as a part of human history, but rather as an important tool to help us keep up with the changing times. In the past, books have often given people a way of storing knowledge and culture through the stories of those who came before. This knowledge and culture remain alive through books to this day.