Art is a broad spectrum of human activities including aesthetic appreciation, visual sense, physical ability, creative skill, aesthetic sense, technical ability, personal imagination, or personal motivation, and the ability to produce a product, assemble something from assorted elements, use tools to build something, communicate something, or even act as a consumer and seller of art products. The word “art” can also refer to the visual arts, like painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and music. Art has been around since ancient times and is found in almost all cultures around the world, although in modern times many people associate the word with modern culture. Art is used to interpret and appreciate the visual world, and in doing so, the term art has sometimes been used pejoratively to suggest that those who do not accept the authority of art are lacking in respect for the culture that produces and respects art.
Art can be defined as a form of self-expression and communication, but it has different meanings for different people. For some it may mean creative knowledge or skill, for others it may mean a product of their own imagination. Some people consider only creative products or works of art to be art, while others use the term “visual art” to include theater, motion pictures, architecture, and the visual arts such as music, painting, and sculpture. The term fine art, on the other hand, is the term sometimes used to describe contemporary art more generally, and is usually derived from the French term “oeuvre en mouveau.” Modern artists have expanded the range of acceptable expressive mediums to include still life, photography, printmaking, video, and computer-generated work. Most of the visual art produced today is produced by the artist as a result of his or her personal vision and artistic inspiration.
There are many different art forms and styles. There is figurative art, which is typically the output of the figurative nature of the artist’s mind; facial or portrait paintings, which are highly personal; furniture, which includes furniture made especially for your bedroom or living room; and sculpture, which is very specific and concentrated on a particular form, such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, and sculpture. There is so much more to this seemingly complex art form than meets the eye. It is a true art form that requires an artist’s personal creativity and artistic vision.